“I will create as I speak”

Spring 2023

This series is about a journey, a pilgrimage into the world of my soul and its phantasies. It is the romantic idea of a wanderer and monk exploring the planet, visiting places and landscapes beyond reality. Discovering dreamscapes of mystical temples, silent spaces to meditate and the wonders of nature. But, even in dreams there are nightmares. They have ther own beauty.

And yes, I used the algorithm of an AI for the pictures.

There are and will be a lot of discussions about this topic. For me it is just a magic tool to play with and explore. It is also a historical moment in history. It is the first time that we can create through “speaking”. I don’t care about the question “is that still art”.  If you like the result, what does it matter and since Duchamps and Beuys, we know that everything is art. It’s a question of consciousness.

If my thoughts can be translated and visualized into pictures, it is still a particular part of me in it. In the way I experience the AI, I see it more as a friend, who is able to surprise me and give me a kickstart I can work with in new and unexpected ways.

Of course it also question the way we define reality.

I’m excited about a future with AI’s. I think they can help us to make better decisions and many things more. But of course, like everything else, it depends in which hands they are and for what they are used…


Dreams are a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon that has puzzled scientists and philosophers for centuries. From ancient times, people have been intrigued by dreams and their potential to offer insights into the subconscious mind. The subconscious is a part of our psyche that is not accessible through conscious thought and is often associated with the realm of dreams. In this essay, we will explore the relationship between dreams and the subconscious.

The subconscious mind is a storehouse of our deepest fears, desires, and memories that we may not be aware of in our conscious state. Dreams offer a window into this hidden world, revealing our innermost thoughts, feelings, and conflicts. When we dream, our subconscious mind takes over, creating vivid and often bizarre scenarios that may not make sense in our waking life. Dreams may include symbols, archetypes, and images that can be interpreted by trained professionals to reveal hidden meanings.

One of the most common theories about dreams is that they serve as a way for the brain to process and consolidate memories. During sleep, the brain goes through a series of cycles, including the rapid eye movement (REM) phase, which is associated with dreaming. This phase is believed to play a critical role in memory consolidation and learning. Dreams may help us to process and make sense of new information, creating neural pathways that help us to retain and retrieve memories more effectively.

Another theory suggests that dreams are a way for the brain to work through emotional issues and conflicts. Dreams may provide a safe space for us to explore and process complex emotions that we may not be able to confront in our waking life. For example, a person who is struggling with feelings of anxiety or fear may have recurrent dreams about being chased or threatened. These dreams may represent the subconscious mind’s attempt to work through these difficult emotions in a non-threatening way.

Many cultures throughout history have placed great significance on dreams and their potential to offer insight and guidance. Some ancient societies believed that dreams were messages from the gods or ancestors and could provide important guidance or warnings. Modern psychologists also recognize the therapeutic potential of dreams and may use dream analysis as a tool for exploring the subconscious mind.

In conclusion, dreams offer a fascinating glimpse into the workings of the subconscious mind. While the exact purpose of dreams remains a mystery, they undoubtedly serve an important function in our mental and emotional wellbeing. By exploring our dreams and their hidden meanings, we may gain insights into our deepest desires, fears, and conflicts, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Mysterious scrawl

Etched upon a wall

Cryptic message calls


The world as we knew it is gone. The once lush green forests have turned into barren wastelands of dust and debris. The air is thick with the stench of decay, and the sky is a permanent shade of ash grey. The remnants of what was once a thriving civilization now lay scattered around like discarded toys.

The Waste Land, as it is now called, is a post-apocalyptic nightmare. The few survivors that remain huddle together in makeshift communities, constantly on guard against the dangers that lurk in the shadows. Resources are scarce, and the struggle for survival is a daily battle. The world has become a bleak and unforgiving place, devoid of hope.

The ground itself is a treacherous landscape of twisted metal and broken concrete. It is a graveyard of buildings that have been reduced to rubble by the cataclysmic event that changed everything. The streets are deserted, and the only sound that can be heard is the eerie howling of the wind as it whips through the ruins.

The sun no longer shines in this desolate world, and the moon has taken on an ominous red glow. It is a constant reminder of the catastrophic event that plunged the world into darkness. The few survivors that remain are haunted by the memories of what was lost, and the fear that it could happen again.

The Waste Land is a place of extremes. The scorching heat of the day gives way to the bone-chilling cold of the night. It is a place where the rules of nature no longer apply, and survival is dependent on one’s ability to adapt to the harsh conditions.

The few remaining resources are fiercely contested. Water, food, and fuel are commodities that are fought over by those who seek to survive. The strong prey on the weak, and compassion is a luxury that few can afford.

In this world, there are no heroes. Only those who are strong enough to survive. It is a world where morality is a luxury that few can afford. The Waste Land is a place where the only law is the law of the jungle, and the weak are quickly consumed.

In conclusion, the Waste Land is a place of despair and hopelessness. It is a world where the very fabric of society has been torn apart. The remnants of civilization now lay in ruins, a stark reminder of what once was. The only hope for those who remain is to adapt to the harsh conditions and fight to survive. This is a world where the strong prey on the weak, and morality is a luxury that few can afford. The Waste Land is an apocalyptic nightmare, a warning of what could happen if we do not take care of our planet.


Ancient sites have always fascinated people around the world. These places hold secrets that have been lost in time, and their very existence is a testament to the ingenuity and skill of our ancestors. From the pyramids of Egypt to the stone circles of England, these sites have inspired countless theories and speculation about their purpose and origin.

One of the most compelling mysteries of ancient sites is their construction. Many of these sites were built thousands of years ago, using techniques and tools that were primitive by today’s standards. How were the massive stone blocks of Stonehenge, for example, transported and erected without modern machinery? How were the pyramids of Egypt built with such precision, given the limited technology of the time?

Another mystery surrounding ancient sites is their purpose. Many of these sites were built for religious or spiritual purposes, but their exact function is often unknown. The Stonehenge, for example, is believed to have been used for astronomical observation or as a place of healing, but no one knows for sure. The pyramids of Egypt were built as tombs for pharaohs, but there are many unanswered questions about their purpose, such as how the pyramids were aligned to the stars and how the blocks were cut and transported.

The function of some ancient sites is even more mysterious. The Nazca Lines in Peru, for example, are a series of massive geoglyphs etched into the desert floor. Their purpose is unknown, but they have inspired countless theories, including that they were used for astronomical observation, irrigation, or as a landing strip for alien spacecraft.

The age of many ancient sites is also a mystery. Many of these places were built long before written records were kept, so their exact age is often a matter of speculation. The pyramids of Egypt, for example, were built over 4,500 years ago, but the exact date of their construction is still debated by scholars. The stone circles of England, such as Stonehenge, were built over a period of several thousand years, making it difficult to determine their exact age.

The mysteries of ancient sites have captured the imagination of people for centuries. Despite the many theories and speculations about their purpose and origin, many of these places remain shrouded in mystery. They continue to inspire awe and wonder, reminding us of the remarkable achievements of our ancestors and the enduring power of human creativity and ingenuity.

Brother of my soul

Chimpanzee playful and wild

Together we roam


Nomadism is a way of life that has existed for thousands of years, and has been practiced by many cultures around the world. One of the key aspects of nomadism is the ability to move freely across vast stretches of land, and to live in harmony with the natural environment. In this essay, we will explore the concept of the nomad’s land and the relationship between nomads and the landscapes they inhabit.

For nomads, the land is not simply a resource to be exploited, but a sacred space that is imbued with spiritual significance. The nomads’ land is not just a place to live, but a place to connect with their ancestors, their gods, and the natural world around them. The land provides them with everything they need to survive, from food and water to shelter and clothing. As such, nomads have a deep and abiding respect for the land and are careful not to disturb the delicate balance of nature.

Nomads’ land is not a fixed territory, but a constantly changing landscape that is shaped by the seasons, weather patterns, and the movements of animals. Nomads must constantly adapt to these changes, moving with the herds they depend on and seeking out new sources of food and water as they become available. This nomadic lifestyle requires a deep understanding of the natural world, and the ability to read the signs that indicate where the next source of sustenance may be found.

For nomads, the land is not simply a place to live, but a source of inspiration and creativity. Many nomadic cultures have developed rich artistic traditions that are deeply connected to the natural world around them. From the intricate embroidery of the Kazakh nomads to the colorful textiles of the Berber tribes of North Africa, nomadic art reflects the beauty and diversity of the landscapes that they inhabit.

Despite the many benefits of nomadic life, the increasing encroachment of modern society on traditional nomadic lands has threatened the survival of many nomadic cultures. As cities and industrial development spread across the globe, nomads are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain their way of life. As a result, many have been forced to give up their nomadic traditions and settle in one place.

In conclusion, the nomads’ land is a deeply important concept that reflects the connection between nomads and the natural environment. For nomads, the land is not simply a resource to be exploited, but a sacred space that provides them with everything they need to survive. As our modern world continues to encroach on traditional nomadic lands, it is important to remember the vital role that these landscapes play in the survival of nomadic cultures, and to work to preserve them for future generations.

N O M A N ‘ S L A N D

No man’s land is a term used to describe areas of land that are unoccupied or abandoned, and which often hold a sense of mystery or intrigue. At the same time, the concept of the empty mind refers to a state of being in which the mind is clear and free from clutter, allowing for a greater sense of focus and concentration. In this essay, we will explore the relationship between no man’s land and the empty mind, and how the two concepts intersect.

No man’s land is often associated with a sense of desolation or emptiness, as it is a place where humans do not frequently venture. These areas may be abandoned due to environmental factors, such as extreme weather conditions, or due to man-made causes, such as war or economic decline. In some cases, no man’s land may be associated with danger or risk, such as in areas contaminated by toxic waste or other hazardous materials.

The concept of the empty mind, on the other hand, refers to a state of being in which the mind is free from distractions and preoccupations. This state of mind is often associated with meditation or mindfulness practices, and is believed to promote greater clarity and focus. In an empty mind, there is no room for clutter or distractions, and the individual is able to remain present and fully engaged with the task at hand.

Despite their apparent differences, the concepts of no man’s land and the empty mind share certain similarities. Both are associated with a sense of emptiness or absence, and both require a certain degree of detachment from the surrounding environment. In no man’s land, one must be able to navigate the empty landscape without being distracted by fear or anxiety, while in the empty mind, one must be able to let go of distracting thoughts and emotions in order to achieve a state of inner peace.

Moreover, both concepts are associated with a sense of possibility and potential. No man’s land represents a space in which anything can happen, a place where new beginnings and opportunities may emerge. Similarly, the empty mind represents a space in which new insights and understandings may arise, a space where the individual is open to new ideas and perspectives.

In conclusion, the concepts of no man’s land and the empty mind are both associated with a sense of emptiness and absence, but also with a sense of possibility and potential. While they may seem very different at first glance, they share certain similarities in their ability to challenge and transform our perceptions of the world around us. By embracing both concepts, we may be able to tap into new sources of creativity, insight, and inspiration, and discover new paths towards personal growth and fulfillment.